Friday, August 28, 2009

COMPLETED- Parker Lodge Dead Oak

Right next to Parker lodge on the left side of the deck, there is a mature oak that has died. This tree needs an experience cutting crew to cut and fall it in a particular direction.....away from the deck and building. It sits at least 20 from the deck, so this should be doable for someone with some experience. We will need to get the ok from the Corps of Engineers prior to cutting (technically speaking).

Camp Wide Sign Posts

Before the summer began, Calhoun's Men's Group came out and traded some camping for service hours. Their project was to rout all the signs for the sign posts to be installed across the property. Over the course of the summer many of the sign posts were put in the ground and the signs hung, but the project wasn't finished. We need a crew with post hole diggers who can find there place on the map to put up the remaining posts and take screw guns to attach the already routed and painted directional signs.

COMPLETED - Pool House Toilet

Before the summer, Eastminster's Craftsmen installed a new toilet in the bathouse by the pool on the boy's side. Somehow during the summer a large crack formed in the side of this toilet. We need a new toilet (cheap) and an installation crew that can just follow the instructions on the box for putting it in.

COMPLETED - Screen Cabin 2

The screens on each of the four screen cabins and screen porches on the masonry cabins should be checked, however we know that there are a couple of panels that are in need of repair on Screen Cabin #2. Staple gun, extra screening that we have on hand and a couple hours ought to do it.

Downed Trees & Limbs

Across the program track of our property, there are many downed trees and large limbs. While the intent here is not to clear the woods of woods, there are several areas where trees are too close to the path or road and are both dangerous for playing guests as well as unsightly. A couple of chainsaws and axes with experts to use them them many additional hands and our truck would move these pieces to the burn pile or the firewood piles.