Friday, April 2, 2010

COMPLETED - Grill Assembly

At the carport of the shop, there are two new grills that need to be assembled and placed at Lydia Cottage and Nesbit Cottage.

COMPLETED - Hwy 20 Banner

Our nice banner on Hwy. 20 needs to be tightened or rehung altogether, you will need the truck bed or a ladder to get up there.

COMPLETED - Pavilion Bushes Trimming

These bushes at the pavilion are getting WAY too tall. The clippers and hand saws are in the shop. They need to be no higher than an adults waist or so. Currently they get in the way of staff members' ability to see all around the most active space on camp property.

COMPLETED - Cabin Crawlspace

This winter, David Smith, our new carpenter came out and helped by closing in the crawlspaces under the cabin bathrooms. Now that they are done, they need to be completed by being painted. Brush, roller paint and enthusiasm is all that is needed.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

COMPLETED - Office Stairs & Porch

We are now using the old trailer as the CRC office. This space
is turning out to be perfect for organizing, copying, planning, etc. and would be a fantastic spot for arriving groups to check in......if they could reach the front door that is! We need a straight stair case from the Lodge Parking Area up to the front door of the office......don't worry, I'll move the "office" sign!

COMPLETED - It Huffed and It Puffed and It Blew the Roof Down!

Oh, our poor Parker Lodge Roof! I see little option for less than a total makeover. For several years now I have watched you shed your shingles like my hair in the shower, but now I feel like you are balding more quickly than I am! Please oh Lord, let the insurance adjuster see it fit to rule this problem total wind damage and offer up support for a total reinstall!

COMPLETED - Moldy Shower Curtains

Throughout the bathrooms on our property, there are several shower curtains that are moldy on the bottom. A couple of sets of enthusiastic hands, some new curtains and an afernoon would do the trick here.

COMPLETED - Cottages Interior Door Knobs

One of our most common late night phone calls is from rental groups needing a specific bedroom door opened, regardless of if their leader was given the key set. Since we do not rent these buildings by the room, we need to change the door knobs over from keyed to regular interior bedroom door hardware. The knobs have been purchased, we just need some one with time and a screwdriver to install them.

COMPLETED - Pavilion Rail Netting

Several years back, some wise person decided to add netting below the railing around the pavilion. This netting prevents balls (and children) from passing through. It works perfectly, but is just now failing in some places due to it's high use and age. Netting, zip ties, and a few sets of willing hands will knock this one out in no time!

COMPLETED - Pavilion Water Fountain

This waterfountain is the most frequently used source of hydration on the camp property. Currently, both bubblers are missing their buttons, it isn't draining correctly and the trap has sprung a leak. A "shade tree" plumber could most definitely take this one on with ease.

COMPLETE - Stone Soup Anyone?

You don't want to make any soup in these "POT" holes. In three or four spots around camp, we have pothole "fields." The months of great rain were a blessing for our flora but have played havoc on our roads. While we are currently pursuing a contracting company to come out and do a major overhaul of the main loop, there is still need in a few places including the road to the cabins and to the office, for some energetic hands, shovels and wheel barrels.

COMPLETED - Front Entrance Sign

For months now we have been propping up this tired front entrance sign. Thanks to a recent visit from the Craftsmen from Eastminster PCUSA, our sign is now back to normal. Thanks guys!